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Khadija Memorial College (KMC)

Corporate Social
Responsibilities >

At Khadija Memorial College (KMC), we are dedicated to Corporate Social Responsibility, which demonstrates our unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on our community and the environment. We firmly believe in providing a well-rounded education that goes beyond academics and encompasses social responsibility and sustainable practices.

Local Sourcing

We prioritize engaging with the local community by sourcing materials and hiring workers from the surrounding area. This practice not only supports the local economy but also strengthens our bond with the community, creating a mutually beneficial relationship that enhances the educational environment at Khadija Memorial College.

Skill Acquisition Courses

Our institution regularly organizes free skill acquisition courses for the local community. These programs are designed to equip community members with practical skills that can improve their livelihoods and create new economic opportunities. By offering these courses, the College plays a crucial role in empowering and developing the community.

Sustainable Practices

Sustainability is a core value at KMC. Our campus is equipped with solar power systems, and we ensure that most of our supplies are obtained sustainably. These practices not only reduce our environmental impact but also set a positive example for our students, aligning our operations with the highest environmental standards and fostering a culture of sustainability.


Explore more about Khadija Memorial College (KMC) Kano.