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KMC Basic Education

Primary School

A place to discover potentials and build solid foundation
KMC logo brown outline

KMC Primary School provides the first formal educational experience for children aged 5-12, fostering a love of learning and igniting their potential. Our comprehensive curriculum and nurturing environment lay a solid foundation, ensuring students are well-prepared for the transition to secondary education and beyond.


KMC Primary School curriculum is based on the latest 9-Year Basic Education national curriculum developed by the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC). The subjects offered across lower, middle, as well as upper basic classes include:


& Quantitative Reasoning.

English Language

& Verbal Reasoning.

Basic Science & Technology

Comprising Basic science, Basic Technology, Physical and Health education, Information Technology/ Computer.

Religious and National Values

CRS/ IRS, Social Studies, Civic Education and Security Education

Cultural and Creative Arts (CCA)

Nigerian Language

Hausa, Igbo & Yoruba

Pre-vocational Studies

Home Economics and Agriculture

French Language

Arabic Language

Business Studies

Upper Basic Only